Here is a thing that amazes me:
Buds form in the fall.
Buds form in the fall.
As soon as the old leaves fall off in autumn, the buds form.
And the first thing that happens to the baby buds is that they go through winter.
Every time I walk in the cold, bare woods and observe the small reddish nodules at the tip of every branch and twig, I marvel.
Exposed to freezing temperatures, buffeted by winter winds, often encased in ice, they endure.
We think the pale green leaves that emerge in the spring time are fresh and fragile. They aren’t. They are already wildly strong. They have just come through the winter and emerged bursting with courage and life.
Let Nature give you hope, survivor. You may feel as though everything has died and the winter has starved you out. But the buds of your new life have already formed. This winter will not destroy them. The spring thaw will come, and your growth will unfurl, unstoppable, wildly strong. You will emerge with courage and life.
Wait for it.